
YOGYAKARTA Maag or known as heartburn is an uncomfortable pain, the chest feels burning down the throat. Sometimes you experience ulcers, maybe because you are late in eating. But if you recur every day, then check the cause.

In general, the causes of ulcers include certain foods, medicines, pregnancy, aging, and certain conditions. If you experience it every day, it is very important to immediately schedule a doctor's consultation. Because maybe the drugs taken to deal with ulcers can be underlying.

Maag in normal size is experienced at least twice a week. Well, if you experience it every day, it could be due to a much more serious disturbance. In a medical explanation reported by Healthline, Friday, January 3, here are the causes of recurrence every day and why can you experience it.

Maag is caused by acid reflux produced by digestion when processing the food consumed. Not only food, drinks can also be a trigger for acid reflux which causes the lower esophagus sfingter valve (LES) not to close again so that acid flows into the concavity. This can cause startups and inflammation.

Certain foods can trigger, extend, and taste starts to get worse. In everyone, foods that trigger ulcers can vary. But usually, spicy foods or acid are the most often a trigger. In addition, fried foods and high-fat foods classified as foods are difficult to digest, can cause maag to recur. To prevent recurrence, you can avoid drinking coffee, carbonated soda, chocolate. For foods, avoid spicy foods, garlic and shallots that feel thick or raw, fatty foods, foods that contain vinegar, salad sauce.

Sit and sleep positions also affect why the ulcers recur every day. It is important to note, one or two hours after eating you have to take a sitting position upright in order to minimize stomach acid from rising to the concavity. Avoid sleeping on your stomach which triggers the most ulcers.

Water can accumulate in the stomach when the stomach is empty. If you haven't eaten for a few hours, buildup of digestive fluids can cause acid to rise and ulcers recur.

Maag is often associated with GERD disease. This disease is caused by the same factors as ulcers, but more serious. In GERD, acid reflux is chronic and is triggered by several other factors. Such as obesity, stress or anxiety, hernia hiatus, esophagitis, and esophagenic esophinofics.

Medicines that can cause ulcers, including antibiotics such as clindamycin, ibuprofen, pihak, iron supplements, opioids, metformin, statins, sedatives, and progesterons. If you have to take the drug, tell your health expert if the magazine recurs because of the drug. This helps your doctor make a safe prescription of drugs and doesn't trigger the ulcer to recur.

The ulcers experienced during pregnancy, at any trimester gestational age, occur because the digestive process slows down. The fertilization work slows down because the body absorbs and stores enough nutrients to provide fetal food. In addition, the stomach expands and shifts in position can increase the frequency and intensity of the ulcers.

Maag is often experienced when you get older. The potential cause of ulcers is that LES weakens so that it makes stomach acid rise. This may also be caused when young people take more drugs, so that the ulcers are a side effect.

That's why the ulcers recur every day. A way to prevent recurrence, you can consult a nutritionist or a personal doctor who understands your medical history. In addition, many anti-oxim acid drugs in drug counters or pharmacies can be purchased without a prescription. But once again, you need to be careful in taking medication because it can have a worse effect if not right. Plus, live a healthy lifestyle to manage and reduce symptoms of ulcers.

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