
YOGYAKARTA Adding ornamental plants for decoration, of course, some considerations are needed. Especially for kitchens that have special situations, such as high humidity, heat tends to be hot, and limited light. Keep in mind that in order to plant plants in the kitchen, you need to take into account functions. Here, plant recommendations that not only function to purify the air, but also some that can be eaten, to be considered good according to feng shui.

If you are a coffee lover, you can also raise Arabica coffee plants for the kitchen. Although it is unlikely that you can harvest coffee beans in a room plant, glossy coffee plant leaves will make your kitchen feel good. It is important to know, coffee plants need bright but indirect light. To keep growing, water regularly.

Planting your hair in the kitchen is the right choice. Because there is no better material than cooking with fresh, organic clothes, which are grown at home all year round. As long as your kitchen has a location that receives bright direct sunlight for most of the day, your hair will grow easily.

Alternatively, you can also grow herbs with the help of grow-light. Herbal varieties that are easy to grow indoors include onion leaves, peterseli, mint, rhythm, rosemary, basil, oregano, and turquoise.

If you have a bright window threshold in the kitchen, succulents are a good choice. The term'sulent' is used to describe plants that store water in various structures such as leaves or stems. This makes it drought resistant and low maintenance.

There are hundreds of types of succulents available in various forms, colors, and amazing sizes. Popular species including echeveria, haworthia, aloe vera, potassium, kalanchoe, sedums, and more.

Pothos or with the scientific name Epipremnum aureum are some of the easiest ornamental plants to care for. They adapt well to different light conditions and are considered relatively tolerant of drought. Launching The Spruce, Tuesday, January 31, this plant allows it to be placed in hanging pots so that it does not confiscate space.

Sansevieria is also known as the mother-in-law's tongue, one of the most popular ornamental plants. This plant has a variety of different colors, shapes, and sizes. Don't worry about treatment, because this plant is not the type of plant that is spoiled because it can grow well in bright conditions to lack light.

Some people believe that rubber trees can invite luck. A tree with the scientific name Ficus elastica, can adapt to various growth conditions and can grow into a full-sized tree in its natural habitat. When grown indoors, regular pruning maintains size and shape needs to be done. You can choose one of several different varieties to match the tree structure with the color and design of your kitchen.

The above are the six most resistant plants that grow in the room, especially when placed in the kitchen. You can choose one according to the size of the kitchen. Or if you want to put some of them, consider the size of the room and the size of the pot.

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