
JAKARTA - Artist Venna Melinda visited the East Java Regional Police Headquarters (East Java Police) to submit evidence of cases of domestic violence (KDRT) she experienced.

"Today we are undergoing additional examination and at the same time submitting evidence to the East Java Regional Police investigators," said Hotman Paris Hutapea's attorney while accompanying Venna Melinda at the East Java Police, Surabaya, Thursday.

The reported case is Ferry Irawan, Venna Melinda's husband, who has been named a suspect and detained at the East Java Regional Police.

Hotman explained that Venna brought medical evidence related to the domestic violence she suffered.

1. Medical Record "We submitted medical evidence of the condition of his bleeding nose at that time. Also medical evidence regarding the condition of his ribs," he said.

Hotman revealed, especially the condition of Venna Melinda's ribs until now still hurts.

"The impact is that Venna Melinda is still difficult to move because her ribs still hurt," he said.

2. Ferry Irawan's Recording In addition, Hotman emphasized, evidence of domestic violence submitted to East Java Police investigators was a video recording when Ferry Irawan cried admitting that he had committed domestic violence against Venna Melinda while apologizing.

"This is the video that went viral. Evidence that Ferry Irawan admitted to having committed domestic violence to Venna Melinda," he said.

Apart from the evidence, there were also witnesses who were submitted to strengthen Venna Melinda's report. The Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police, Senior Commissioner of Police Dirmanto, informed that the household assistant (ART) whose name was still kept secret was a mitigating witness for the reported and suspect Ferry Irawan.

"Today the person concerned fulfills the investigator's summons to be BAP," said Dirmanto.

The household assistant of husband and wife Ferry Irawan and Venna Melinda witnessed cases of domestic violence or domestic violence that had been stated in the examination procedure file at the East Java Regional Police.

Hotman Paris Hutapea, who acts as Venna Melinda's attorney, admitted that he had seen the contents of the BAP recorded by investigators from the celebrity couple's ART.

"Essentially, what I read earlier in his BAP, this ART only admits that he often hears Venna Melinda crying in his room. This ART does not testify for the incident of domestic violence at the hotel in Kediri, but at home. For me, ART's testimony as a witness who should have been a de charge for Ferry Irawan actually benefits Venna Melinda," said Hotman.

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