
JAKARTA - Rambut needs extra protection and care from various environmental pressures such as pollution, dust, and heat. Every time you shampoo using shampoo, dirt on the scalp does disappear.

But shampoo can also make your hair rough and dull. Therefore, the use of post-manger products or what is called conditioner is very important. Conditionary is believed to be a hair care product that is effective in protecting hair from damage.

Reporting from the Times of India, Friday, January 27, experts say that conditionaries are moisturizers made of materials such as emoliene and silicon. This material functions to refill hair moisture, smooth the ends, and soften each strand of hair. But do you need conditioner whenever you shampoo? Experts say yes, because conditioner provides many benefits to hair like;

While in a fragile and dry condition, hair starts to split and form branched ends. As a result, hair growth is hampered. The use of conditioner will minimize this problem and protect your hair from breaking. In addition, conditioners can also smooth, maintain and rejuvenate your strands of hair.

The main benefit of conditioner is to provide a significant glow by enriching and lubricating the hair deeply. This is done with moisturizing ingredients contained in the conditionary. The compound repairs each strand of hair and prevents the hair from becoming tangled and dry.

Experts say shampooing regularly removes natural oil from the skin of your head. If natural oil from the brain is reduced, it is likely that hair can dry out. For this reason, conditioner helps reduce drought and moisturizes strands of hair from within.

The conditioner hydrates the skin, decomposes the tangled hair, and makes it easy to comb. Thus, hair will grow healthier and stronger. Experts argue that conditionaries prevent hair from unwanted damage and prevent hair loss.

Conditionaries are also very important to use for those of you who like to color your hair or often swim in water that contains klore. Conditionary saves your strands of hair by forming a protective layer or barrier. In addition, the layer does not make the color of your hair fade quickly.

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