
JAKARTA - Luna Maya was the subject of the discussion of netizens because she was reportedly married to Gading Marten. The artist who was born in Denpasar, August 26, 1983, admitted that he was confused by the emergence of the news. He said he had known Roy Marten's son for a long time and had a good friendship.

"I honestly don't understand why there is gossip with Gading, yes, if I'm with Gading, friends have been around for a long time. If, for example, dating, you must have known first, we will definitely go out together, it appears as a couple," said Luna Maya when met in the Kebayoran area, South Jakarta on Thursday, January 26.

His photo with Gading on Instagram, which was used as the basis for netizens, said that they were dating, they were admitted to being taken without any intention. "It's just friends with Gading, ding, ding, take a photo, make whatever content, there's no intention so it looks like something, just make it," he said.

Not only with Gading, Luna has also taken pictures with Vincent and Desta. For Luna, taking pictures with a male friend is a normal thing without having to be interpreted further.

Kan sama Vincent juga, sama Desta juga. Hanya orang berpikir kan Vincent sama Desta sudah punya bini, jadi nggak terlalu gitu. Tapi karena kita (Luna dan Gading) sama-sama single, orang jadi seperti woo, ya biasa lah, katanya.

However, as far as she was introduced to Gading Marten, Luna saw Gempita Noura Marten's father as a good person. According to him, being near Gading was always fun.

Gading is a very kind and fun person. Being close to him is never quiet. The person is also very concerned, with friends are caring. So there are indeed many friends of him. The person is very fun, near him is just fun, it's crowded. the person," he concluded.

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