
JAKARTA - Venna Melinda's second son from his first marriage to Ivan Fadilla, Athalla Naufal finally opened his voice regarding the incident in Bogor which some time ago was revealed by Ferry Irawan through his attorney, Jeffry Simatupang.

As is well known, Jeffry stated that Ferry was ready to expose the disgrace of the Venna family that occurred in Bogor. The incident allegedly involved Athalla Naufal and Shanon Wong.

Athalla doesn't seem to have a problem if Ferry wants to reveal the incident in Bogor. He felt that the problem between himself and Shanon Wong, who at that time was his lover, had been resolved.

"The case in Bogor was last year, the problem is. And I have a good relationship with Shanon and Shanon's family and just miscommunication," Athalla told the media crew in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta on Wednesday, January 25.

He couldn't understand why the problems in Bogor were brought up in the domestic violence case experienced by his mother. And the case has nothing to do with mama's case. So it's funny to see them carry it around," he continued.

For the umpteenth time, Athalla again confirmed that her mother, Venna Melinda, would not withdraw the report and was ready to file for divorce. "Yes, definitely separate, because Mama has planned to separate from Om Ferry," he said.

Verrell Bramasta's sister also confirmed her mother's presence at the East Java Police Headquarters, Surabaya, to provide additional information on Thursday, January 26 tomorrow. He also informed how his mother is currently doing.

"Alhamdulillah, mom has also found a therapist, she can help mentally too, right. So it's better," said Athalla.

On the other hand, Venna Melinda's attorney, Hotman Paris Hutapea also emphasized the firmness of his client to continue the report against Ferry Irawan. He stated that his client was not afraid of the threats made.

Hotman on behalf of Melinda said he was not afraid of the threats or pyswars made by various parties under the pretext that this would be opened, if he didn't want to make peace. Once again, he's not afraid," Hotman said in his Instagram account.

"The police report continues. The divorce suit is also being perfected," he concluded.

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