
YOGYAKARTA There are many typical Riau foods that are the favorites of tourists who are visiting one of the provinces on the island of Sumatra. The foods available are also diverse, ranging from those that taste savory and coed to sweet.

Foods that are characteristic of Riau are also one of the identities and cultural products in the region so that it is not effective to visit Riau without tasting the food in the province.

What makes Riau's typical foods increasingly tempting to taste is the large number of spices used in cooking. The spice makes the taste taste strong and the taste varies.

Not only that, Riau's strong position with the Malay culture makes the province's culinary products have different characteristics from food from other islands. Some of Riau's typical foods that are worth trying are as follows.

Gulai belican is a typical Riau food with the main ingredient in the form of shrimp, both freshwater and sea shrimp. This food is thick with thick coconut milk. The flavor of bulcan sugar blends strongly obtained from manery, pepper, and mixed with acid to make it fresher.

Lendir on mucus is not in the real sense. This lendir' effect is obtained from its mouth which is thick enough to resemble mucus texture. This food combines yellow noodles with peels, boiled eggs, and links. You can add a piece of cayenne pepper if you want to add a spicy taste according to your taste.

For those of you who love sweet foods, lapek bugi can be one of the dishes that is worth trying. This food is typical of Kampar district, Riau Province. This food is generally made of flour wrapped in banana leaves. But now there are many modifications by adding coconut and brown sugar in it. There are even those who add durian.

Asydah cakes are often found in Rokan Hulu, Indragiri Hilir, and surrounding areas. This food is made of wheat and butter. While the sweet effect comes from honey.

This food comes from the Bagansiapiapi area, Riau. As the name suggests, this food is made from peanuts mixed with a little sugar and salt. The taste combines savory and sweet. How to make nuts hit is also unique, namely by striking nuts and spices that are needed until smooth.

The consumption of lomek fish is one of Riau's typical dishes that must be tried. This food is made from lomek fish, slippery fish a type of▁peringatan. Culinary serving of lomek fish is usually served as soup, sugar, fillet, or just fried. You can get processed lomek fish in traditional-themed stalls or restaurants in the coastal area of Riau.

In Java, durian lempuk is similar to dodol larvae. If dodol is made of ketan, durian lempuk is made of durian raw material. For you durian lovers, this food is highly recommended for you. You will get durian sweet taste in durian pus. Besides being able to consume it yourself, it can also be used as a souvenir.

That's information about typical Riau foods. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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