
JAKARTA - Three years later from its first broadcast, now Mangkujiwo 2 is here to continue the previous sequel which aired in early 2020.

Still directed by Azhar Kinoi Lubis, this film still retains the story from the previous sequel. Actors that previously existed, such as Sudjiwo Tejo, Yasamin Jasem, Karina Suwandi and Djenar Maesa Ayu were presented again. However, there is a new character played by Marthino Lio who is lined up to be the main character in this sequel.

Marthino Lio admitted that he had a inferior when he first joined. "The one who made them feel the most inferior was Mangkujiwo 1, so I feel like I have to pursue intimacy. But there are many actors who have experience, so I just tried to glass out and finally got to know them," he said during a press conference in the Setiabudi area, South Jakarta on Friday, January 20.

Following Marthino's statement, Djenar Maesa Ayu said he was satisfied with the cast presented, especially the actors who had just joined Mangkujiwo 2,. Djenar feels that the portion given to each character is balanced and has its own uniqueness.

"I'm very lucky with the cast. The good thing is, here there is not a single player who wants to play alone. Here we fill each other in, support each other, and even ask each other often. If the cast and crew are not like this, I can't imagine what it will be like," said Djenar.

Meanwhile, two other actresses, Yasamin Jasem and Karina Suwandi, revealed the difference between their characters in the second sequel to Mangkujiwo.

Yasamin plays the character Uma who is more mature than the previous sequel. He said he was happy to be able to play the developments his character went through. "The process of managing Uma is according to my age. I was nervous but excited about the story. At first, I read the story like reading a novel, "he said.

Meanwhile, Karina said that she saw more of the function of her character in the whole Mangkujiwo story. "From Mangkujiwo 1, I'm still wondering about the function of Karmila, my character. But in Mangkujiwo 2, I understand better. In this film everything becomes clearer, including the characters," she said.

Still telling about Mangkujiwo's sect which increasingly shows its power, Azhar Kinoi Lubis as the director provides a little picture of how Mangkujiwo 2 film is. In Mangkujiwo 2, there is one thing that we want to highlight, how a sect has begun to triumph, their vision and mission have been fulfilled. And also in Mangkujiwo 2, there is a very brutal explanation of human cruelty and evil, where even the most evil demon, is nothing more and nothing less, is the human himself," said Kinoi.

Following Kinoi's explanation, Amrit Punjabi as the co-producer of Mangkujiwo 2 explained. This film is an extraordinary journey since Mangkujiwo's first debut. And witnessed how the Mangkujiwo 2 film evolved into a film that was not only a horror but also presented elements of culture and also historical values," he concluded.

The Mangkujiwo 2 film that has been waiting for will be shown in all Indonesian cinemas starting January 26, 2023.

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