
JAKARTA - Since the Domestic Violence (KDRT) incident allegedly committed by Ferry Irawan against Venna Melinda was revealed to the public on January 9, many statements were conveyed by Venna's family regarding Venna's domestic life with Ferry.

Until finally, Ferry Irawan's family, represented by his two younger siblings, Ary and Maya, opened their voices about the condition of their brother's family based on what they witnessed.

Ary admitted that he was surprised by the existing domestic violence reports, he considered Ferry to have a good relationship with Venna, and also Venna's family. Because I also know what my brother is like, what their household is like. They both really love each other, it was Ferry who always loved Venna, Vania, and his family, and Made Ayu's mother, really loved him very much. Until this incident, I really didn't believe that, "he told the media crew in the Kemang area, South Jakarta.

He admitted that he had seen with his own eyes how Ferry behaved to Venna while at home. Ferry helps a lot with homework such as sweeping, sweeping, drying, washing dishes to throwing garbage.

"I actually conveyed it, because I had played at Venna and Ferry's house for a few days, that's what I saw. And I saw their daily lives were really intimate together," said Ary.

Ferry's other brother, Maya, also expressed her distrust of what Venna had stated on many occasions. Especially regarding the behavior of his brother who was considered very bad in the last 3 months.

It's really like a normal family, nothing. So if I've heard about the last 3 months there's been domestic violence, isn't it? My brother is really cruel, I don't think so. Still not believing it, but yes, only the two of them know," he said.

Even Maya is often jealous of the intimacy that she sees from Ferry and Venna. Indeed, we see our brothers are happy, we are also happy. But with this incident, there is no such thing as happiness at home, we have also cried frequently, it's like we really want to know what the ending is," he continued.

Meanwhile, regarding the alleged domestic violence that Ferry also carried out with his previous wife, his younger brother did not say much. "If it's out of context, and it doesn't seem like it's my domain to explain it. What I know is that the marriage is actually fine. So for that matter, maybe my brother himself will answer it," he concluded.

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