
JAKARTA - Lately, you certainly often hear the mugwort in skincare and beauty worlds such as face masks. Mugwort is the main basic ingredient that is widely used in various Korean beauty products. This content has been used for centuries in Korea. Mugworts in skincare products are specially designed to calm sensitive skin, treat dry skin, and cure acne. Because mugworts have good antibacterial and antijamur properties that protect the skin.

Mugwort, which has the Latin name Artemisia, contains active ingredients consisting of vitamins E and other antioxidants that protect, menutrisize, and moisturize the skin. This antioxidant is also very good at preventing skin aging. Mugwort can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Quoted from the Illui-Illui page, Friday, January 20, here are further explanations regarding the benefits of mugwort for dry skin, aging, and acne skin.

Mugwort has soft and hydrating properties so it is good for sensitive and dry skin. The dermatologist, Rachel Nazarian, said that even the mugwort is a suitable treatment for treating eczema and psoriasis. The anti-inflammatory nature of the mugwort effectively targets an anarchated and dry skin. While the vitamin E content in the mugworts aims to relieve redness on the skin also helps moisturize dry skin.

A dermatologist, Ted lain, argues that the mugwort is very good for use in adult skin. He said that rat and cell-based trials reveal the mugwort acts as an antioxidants, helping prevent damage caused by ultraviolet rays, as well as collagen stimulators, to help reduce the emergence of fine lines. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the mugwort is able to brighten and make the skin look more pronounced.

The antibacterial properties of the mugwort allow it to fight bacteria in acne-causing skin. Mugwort works in pores to clean bacteria and excess oils. So that naturally the mugwort is able to kill bacteria and treat acne.

Do you know the benefits of mugwort now? Putting skin care products with the content of mugwort in your daily skincare routine can bring you a lot of benefits of money you can feel on your skin.

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