Although Good For Implementation, Get To Know The Side Effects Of Prebiotic Consumption
Illustration (Nicola Barts/Pexels)


JAKARTA - Prebiotics are a source of food for the probiotics found in your body. Such as foods that contain healthy fiber, such as nuts, seeds, and certain vegetables. The healthy fiber is broken down in the body to make substances that help probiotics grow and develop in your intestines.

The process of breaking the fiber occurs in the large intestines. Then the broken fiber provides nutrition for good microorganisms in the intestines. Prebiotics are useful for minimizing infection, nourishing the metabolic system and heart, and of course maintaining the immune system.

Then, are there side effects of prebiotic consumption if done excessively? As reported by Hialthline, Thursday, January 19, most types of prebiotics are considered safe and have no serious side effects. Prebiotics are even considered safe to consume during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, due to the fermentation prebiotics in the large intestine, consuming them in large doses can cause mild side effects such as gas, cramps, diarrhea, and bloating.

There are several factors that cause side effects. Prebiotics with molecular structures or shorter chain lengths, such as inulin, are fermented more quickly in the first part of the large intestine. While prebiotics with longer chain lengths are fermented more slowly in the end of the large intestine. Thus, prebiotics with short chains are more likely to cause side effects on digestion.

What's more, larger prebiotic doses tend to cause certain side effects compared to small doses. While low doses of 2.510 grams per day can cause mild symptoms such as gas, high doses of 4050 grams per day can cause diarrhea. In order to benefit from the health benefits of prebiotics, it is recommended for consumption of 2.5-10 grams of prebiotics only per day.

Although the impact of prebiotic consumption is very small, this one food is not necessarily suitable for everyone. Some people may not have side effects after consuming prebiotics, others may experience significant bloating and discomfort in the stomach.

If you are interested in consuming prebiotics, you should ask health experts for advice first. They can help you decide whether prebiotics are appropriate for your health needs or not.

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