
JAKARTA - Falcon Black's move to develop the horror genre is increasingly visible in their latest film, Devil's Followers. The trailer and its first poster were released today, Thursday, January 19th, the same day as the release of the film Magic Baby.

This two-minute trailer shows the conflict that three main stars will experience: Mawar de Jongh, Hanggini, and Sara Fajira.

Sumi (Mawar de Jongh) lives alone taking care of her sick father. In order to meet the needs of life, he sells sugar from human meat in the village. This left a question mark when the villagers disappeared.

In addition, Sari (Handgini) became a witchcraft shaman after her sister was killed. Sari is determined to take revenge because her sister's body was missing from the grave. These women are allied with the devil who became the beginning of his main conflict.

The idea of the story of the Devil's Followers was initiated by the director, Rako Prijanto. He admitted it was an honor because this film could be shown on the big screen.

"I'm very happy, because in 2023, I have the opportunity to release my film back to back and have a horror genre. Also because the films The Devil's Followers are my original story," said Rako Prijanto.

Mawar de Jongh also appears to be out of the genre he used to play. Therefore, this film is one of the opportunities to show the other side of himself.

"Initially I had a lot of difficulty playing a role in this Devil Followers film, because the genre is different and this is my first time getting out of my comfort zone," said Mawar de Jongh.

"But Praise God I was found by a solid team, we exchanged ideas and shared views on this film, so that everything finally went smoothly during the shooting process," he continued.

"I'm very happy that the film Para Pengikut Devil will soon be shown in theaters. But it's really fun, because this is the work of us who were shooting really draining a lot of energy, but it's really fun with the existing team," continued Hanggini.

Apart from Mawar de Jongh, Hanggini, Sara Fajira, this film also stars Adipati Dolken and Hans De Kraker. The Devil Followers film will hit theaters on February 16, 2023.

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