Knowing Cat Censoric Capabilities, You Can Hear High-frequency Sounds And Hunting Tactics
Illustration of cat sensory abilities (Freepik)


YOGYAKARTA Domestic cats or cats that do not live in the wild still have instincts as predators. The cat's sensory ability supports its natural instincts to hunt. Such as sharp vision, hearing, and smell supports its hobi to run, catch, and catch prey.

The sensory ability of cats at night is much better than that of humans. Anabul can reflect light so that visual signals increase with the lucidium tapetum. During the day, the cat pupil is gap-shaped. Meanwhile, at night, pupils are open to cover most of the eyes. This means in the day's nature, cats increase their visionability.

Even on a dark night, cats are good at finding a path around obstacles. They can enter through narrow space. This skill is due to its very sensitive mustache, called vibrisae. When the mustache widens, they are developing narrow space measurements so that it can enter or not. This ability is the way cats adapt to hunting when there is minimal light. Cats also have hearing skills at higher frequencies than humans.

At a certain distance, cats detect ultrasonic rhythms of small▁perubahande which are typical prey animals. In addition, cats also have a very good sense of smell that helps them identify and localize their prey.

Given the fine sensory abilities that allow them to adapt, they are also reliable hunters despite living in a domestic environment. The cat's sensory ability, many cat owners don't realize it. Sometimes, find the cat's prey lying in front of the house or even exhibited to the owner of the house.

In addition to the ability to see and hear, cats also have a sensitivity to gravity. They are good at defending against falling. Cats like to jump, climb, and perch in high places. It aims to monitor what's going on around them. Many cats also like to sit on windowsill sofas, this is also to monitor potential prey. This is a cat's tactic in hunting, especially when they set a strategy to get down at the closest distance from prey.

Cats have flexible and flexible bodies. When they fall, their bodies are straight reflexively and land on their feet. This ability relies on the vestibular system of the inner ear. Launching Psychology Today, Tuesday, January 17, it is not clear how cats can detect Earth's gravity in their navigation. However, just like dogs, cats know how to get home despite being hundreds of miles away. But for sure, cats and dogs have a very good sense of smell and vision.

It's important to know, not all cats can develop the sensory skills they have. This is because they live indoor so that mental development outside the home and the environment is not as good as village cats.

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