
JAKARTA - Ferry Irawan has undergone an examination on suspicion of domestic violence at the East Java Police Headquarters, Surabaya on Monday, January 16. Accompanied by one of his attorneys, Jeffery Simatupang, Ferry spoke to the media crew after undergoing an examination.

He denied that many statements were issued by Venna Melinda in the last few days.

Unlike Venna, who often talks to the public, either through her two children, Verrell Bramasta and Athalla Naufal, as well as her attorney, Hotman Paris Hutapea, this is the first time Ferry has revealed what happened in Kediri City on January 8. Here are three rebuttals submitted by Ferry Irawan.

Denying Violence, Fry Irawan did not agree with Venna Melinda regarding the chronology of domestic violence that occurred in Kediri City on January 8.

Unlike the news that has been circulating, he explained that there was an argument between him and Venna on January 7. As a result of the quarrel, Venna became out of control

"At that time, I intended to calm my hysterical wife," said Ferry Irawan at the East Java Police Headquarters, Surabaya, Monday, January 16.

Call Venna Melinda Try to injure herself As Venna confessed that her nose was bleeding after being pressed with her head as a result of refusing to have a husband and wife relationship, Ferry also denied it.

He said that the impact occurred due to him trying to calm Venna, who was hysterical at that time.

According to her confession, Venna even intends to hurt herself. She wants to hurt herself. I lifted her to the bed, she put her face on me," said Ferry Irawan.

(After Venna Melinda wanted to injure herself) Then words appeared that were inappropriate to come out of the mouth of a wife. I gave her a lie. At that time I was said to have broken her nose (for attaching a forehead to Venna Melinda's face, ed)," he continued.

Denying Never Supporting Fryy denied Venna's statement that she had never been supported in the last 3 months. He stated that he always gave a living according to his abilities.

"It's not true that I am accused of not providing a living. I always provide a living even though the value is not as large as a rich person, like an office worker, because I am an influencer," he said.

He also gave an example of a case. "My income, put there is a three-month contract, pay DP and repay when it's finished. The value is adjusted to my ability," he said.

During her marriage, Ferry Irawan even said that all her income was known to Venna. "Anyway, I got everything, I gave everything and went into my wife's account. Not a single rupiah went into my account," he concluded.

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