
JAKARTA - Drinking alcohol is believed to make the body and mind relaxed. The short-term effect of alcohol consumption does cause feelings of mild euphoria and a state of relaxation due to temporary changes in brain silting.

"Alcohol can interfere with neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that help convey messages between neurons in the brain, which cause mood swings, behavior, and thoughts," said Spanish psychiatrist and director of The Balance Luxury Rehab Sarah Boss. January.

According to the American Addiction Centers, the short-term effects of moderate alcohol consumption such as redness on the skin and difficulty concentrating to more severe symptoms, such as vomiting and fainting.

Other effects of short-term alcohol use include loss of coordination, mood swings, high blood pressure, blunt vision, and reduced barriers.

After that, there will be the effects of the withdrawal of alcohol, commonly referred to as a hangover or unpleasant symptoms after excessive alcohol consumption.

Symptoms of this condition usually start within hours of someone's last drink and tend to vary from person to person. This can include headaches, fatigue, nausea and dehydration, said doctor at ASDA, England, Dr Kathryn Basford.

He said alcohol inhibits the production of the body's vasopression, a hormone that tells the body to hold water in the kidneys. Without this, water immediately enters the bladder and makes the body dehydrated.

"Headaches are brain reactions to this liquid loss, while nausea and lack of energy are the body's response to low blood sugar levels and loss of minerals and electrolytes that help the body function properly," he said.

The more someone drinks, the more likely he will feel this effect, and the longer it takes for someone to recover.

Symptoms of hangover tend to disappear within 24 hours after a person's last drink and tend not to cause long-lasting health problems.

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