
YOGYAKARTA A love life is dynamic and not facing trials. But love as a word of work, certainly needs to be pursued. Including changing bad habits that can damage your relationship with your partner. Although it is not only based on one capital, or love alone, efforts to improve every negative thing also need to be done.

In a relationship, maybe you are often stuck with repetitive habits. According to licensed professional clinical counselors reported by Bustle, Thursday, January 12, hala Wolfe, relationships never last because someone in every couple commits bad habits. Therefore, avoid doing bad habits so that the relationship lasts forever like the following explanation.

Often make assumptions that you and your partner are distant. When you only have a little information about what your partner is experiencing, it's better to ask and listen to the explanation. Because, the habit of making stories on your head often doesn't match what happens. Instead of assuming, it's better to open up and talk directly with your partner.

Feeling that you already know your partner well, it's not an excuse to rarely spend time together. It's like a bad habit that doesn't realize can cool the warmth between you and your partner. Building a connection with your partner can be done from a simple way to having a plan together. For example, having a date schedule to having a vacation plan for next year.

While you have to think about ways to refresh the atmosphere in a relationship, this is important to do. As an effort to keep the relationship fun and emotional and physical closeness well established, then don't give up on looking for creative ways.

Someone responsible, of course, honestly admits mistakes and fixes them. Bad habits don't correct mistakes differently by changing, you know. To correct mistakes, you can still be yourself.

In achieving something, maybe a partner needs a size. But bad habits comparing personal achievements with others can make it uncomfortable. Everyone certainly has their own preferences. For that, if you have personal achievements, discuss them with your partner. If you want to make a joint achievement, make an agreement with your partner.

Those are the five bad habits in a love relationship that trigger major problems and risk disrupting relationships. Although in every relationship it is not always happy, every couple can do their best.

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