
Actor Revaldo has been involved in drug cases for the third time, aka hatick. The 40-year-old actor was confirmed to have been arrested by Polda Metro Jaya on suspicion of narcotics abuse. He was caught consuming methamphetamine and marijuana.

"Yes (shabu and marijuana, ed)," said Director of the Narcotics Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Mukti Juharsa, to VOI, Thursday, January 12.

Actor Revaldo was arrested in 2006 for having 1 gram of methamphetamine and 5 ecstasy pills. As a result, he was jailed for two years and released in September 2007.

Not giving up, Revaldo was arrested again in 2010 for carrying 50 grams of crystal methamphetamine. This time, he was again imprisoned for seven years and a fine of IDR 1 billion and only released in 2015.

After being released, Revaldo began to reorganize his career. Throughout 2022, there are five films and series that he starred in. Unfortunately, in early 2023 he had to face the law again because of a drug case.

Here are five films and series starring Revaldo in 2022.

Panji Kuat

Appointed from Hans Jaladara's comics, this film is made in the form of an animated film that will be shown in theaters. Revaldo also became one of the voice actors in this animated film.

Panji Lihat melibatkan setidaknya 10 aktor yang akan menjadi pengilih karakter yang ada, diantaranya Denny Sumargo sebagai Panji Lebih, Donny Damara sebagai Bramantya, Cok waryara sebagai Lembugiri, Aghniny Haque sebagai Gantari, Tanta Ginting sebagai Kalawereng, Nurra Duau sebagai Murni, Donny Alamsyah sebagai Wirabaya, Revaldo sebagai Kakak Pertama, Candra Mukti sebagai Kuwuk dan Prit timothy sebagai Nagamas.

Shocked Marriage

Shocked Marriage is WeTV Indonesia's first series in early 2022. This series brings together Kevin Julio and Aurora Ribero as co-stars. Shocked Marriage also stars a number of other artists such as Fero Walandouw, Steffi Zamora, Revaldo, Raisya Bawazier, Amara totala, Andi Viola, Karina Suwandi, Mathias Muchus, Pierre Gruno, Inggrid Widjanarko, Oded Kravitz and many more. Taking shooting locations in Bali, WeTV Original Shocked Marriage also presents the beauty of Bali's natural scenery.

Sri Asih

Sri Asih is a popular action film in 2022. Revaldo got an important role in the film Sri Asih. Through this trailer, Alana (Pevita Pearce) told me against many enemies who also led him to the real reality. The trailer opens with the fight between Alana and Mateo Adinegara (Randy Pangalila) in the boxing ring. Then, Alana also faced Jagau (Revaldo) and met the figure of the Devils Doctor whose name is still kept secret.

Alana also met Kala (Dimas Anggara) and Tangguh (Jefri Nichol), two people who would accompany Alana against sharing enemies. There was also Prayogo Adinegara who discussed differences in social status that threaten Tangguh and his friends' lives.

Last Wolf 2

The second season of the Serigala Terakhir tells the story of Alex (Abimana Aryasatya) who is now the concern of the Black Dragon. Especially with the mysterious burning of their three drug factories.

The Black Dragon's suspicions finally fell to a police unit to eradicate a criminal organization called Denpator and the Red Spiders organization that circulated new drugs.

Meanwhile Alex turned out to be working as a Denpator informant to get information about his family. The situation escalated when Reno, a former Black Dragon member, appeared.

Besides Abimana, this series will also feature Ganindra Bimo as Reno, chance Al Rasyid as Aryati, Wulan Guritno as Magda, Revaldo as Delon, Hana Malasan as Bintang, Lukman Sardi as Bobby, Donny Alamsyah as Margo, Mathias Muchus as Robert, Bizael Tanasale as Toba, Agra Piliang as Norman, Nikita Rizki as Kayla and Claresta Taufan as Rinta.

Not Ordinary Love

The film Kambodja directed by Rako Prijanto starts airing Friday, April 13, 2022. Before it aired, this film held a virtual gala premiere which was attended by Adipati Dolken, Della Dartyan, and Revaldo.

Kambodja set 1955 in Jakarta, there is a husband and wife named Danti (Della Dartyan) and Sena (Revaldo), who lives in a boarding house. Danti is a worker in the library, and Sena is active in a political party.

Cik Mei's boarding house has three rooms. The first room is inhabited by Bayu (Adipati Dolken) and his wife, Lastri (Carmela). Bayu is a writer taking off opinion columns and short stories in newspapers, while Lastri is a singer.

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