
YOGYAKARTA minus eye condition and cylinder are types of eye health problems that are often experienced by the community. Some people have minus eyes, some only experience cylindrical eyes. But some have minus eyes accompanied by cylinders. Then the more severe the eyes are minus or cylinders?

As is known, minus eyes and cylindrical eyes are disorders of refraction in the eyes which have an impact on the disruption of a person's view. This condition requires treatment from an ophthalmologist so that it does not get worse. As one way out, people with minus and cylinder eyes must wear an assistive device in the form of glasses that are adapted to their condition or with softlens. The size of the softlens must also be adjusted to the conditions.

Both of them are minus eyes or cylindrical eyes, both of which interfere with daily activities. This means that both conditions are the same, depending on how bad the condition of the eyes is.

Although both of them are disturbing, each of these eye problems has a difference, especially from the impact that can be felt, namely as follows.

In the eyes minus the object you see will be blurred and lead to a dizziness. In addition, minus eye condition makes a person unable to clearly see the object from a certain distance depending on the severity.

Meanwhile, in the cylindrical eye, the object seen is not only blurred but also shadowed. This condition also has the potential to cause dizziness.

In addition, the most stable symptom of the condition of the cylindrical eye is the focus disorder that affects the shape and firmness of the object. The cylindrical eye will see a straight object so it looks tilted. While the focus disorder of the straight plane does not occur in the minus eye. minus eye condition still looks straight as it is.

The causes of minus eyes and cylinders are also different. In minus eyes, the causes can vary like the wrong lifestyle. For example, a child always reads books while sleeping, or watches television too closely. In addition, diabetes's health condition can also be a minus eye contributor to a person.

While the cause of cylindrical eyes is usually caused by minus eyes that are too severe. However, it can also be caused by eye surgery, to suffering from palaces or degenerative disturbances that have an impact on the thinning of the eye cornea.

However, it should be noted that the cause of each eye disorder can occur due to hereditary factors.

As is known, minus eyes occur due to the arbitrarily wide curvature. This condition makes the light that enters the eyes not ficus and eventually does not fall right in the retina. As a result, the view becomes unclear.

Meanwhile, cylindrical eyes occur due to recording the shape of the crane and irregular curvature. It is able to change the incoming light, or can also make light of it again. The incoming light also does not fall on the retina to make the object invisible clearly.

How to treat the minus eye and cylinder by performing reflective surgery or eye laser surgery. This operation can treat both eye conditions permanently.

In the cylindrical eye, another treatment that can be tried is the treatment of ortokeratology, namely the use of rigid contact lenses that are able to improve the irregularity of the Kremlin's curvature.

That's the answer to questions that are more severe for minus eyes or cylinders. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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