
YOGYAKARTA Some people may want to know the list of the 2023 tight day after the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno proposed a tight day as a national holiday.

According to Sandiaga, this can increase the movement of domestic tourists because the holiday is longer. Thus, the tourism sector will also be boosted.

"We call the handling of the national tight day the optimization of holidays. This must be increased in the target of achieving the movement of foreign tourists," Sandiaga said at The Weekly Brief, Monday, January 9, 2023, quoted by VOI.

The tight day of 2023 is a term intended to refer to working days that are short'' national holidays and collective leave in 2023.

For your information, throughout 2023 there are 5 dates that are the tight days. This year, a total of 24 holidays have been set by the government, of which 16 days are national holidays and eight other days are collective leave.

The agreement for National Holidays and Joint Leave in 2023 is stated in the Joint Decree (SKB) of three ministers - Minister of Religion, Minister of Manpower, Minister of Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform - Number 1066 of 2022 Number 3 of 2022, Number 3 of 2022 concerning National Holidays and Joint Leave in 2023.

The following is a list of the 2023 tight days when referring to the list of national holidays and collective leave in 2023:

List of National Holidays 2023

According to the Ministerial Decree on National Holidays and Joint Leave in 2023, there are 15 days designated as national holidays this year, namely:

List of Joint Leaves in 2023

In addition to national holidays, throughout 2023 there are also 8 days designated as joint leave in 2023, including:

Demikian informasi tentang daftar hari kejepit 2023. Semoga bermanfaat!

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