
JAKARTA - Psychological disorders should not be underestimated because anxiety and stress that is not handled properly can worsen symptoms of gastroesophageal rejection or GERD.

"This psychological factor can increase the symptoms of GERD, cause disorders rather than hormones in the body, nerves in the body specifically for digestion, all are disturbed by the rhythm," said dr. Yongki Sp.PD quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, January 10.

According to him, people affected by GERD along with psychological disorders usually palpitate and in some cases experience pain that moves, feels inefficient, and the work is not finished.

"It produces things that cause stomach acid to increase, this is what triggers the occurrence of people who already have GERD because of heavy thoughts," said Yongki.

According to him, stress can also make the body's immune system weaken so that body health is more easily disturbed.

He said that many people with GERD are currently aged 20 to 30 years and some of them experience psychological disorders.

According to him, it is better to handle people with GERD who experience psychological disorders with the support of a mental health expert.

"My patients, overall, some percent of them are also consulted or the term is treated together with friends from psychiatrists, mental health, because we have to know that there are two healthy, physically and mentally," said Yongki.

According to an article published on the official Siloam Hospitals website, GERD occurs due to the weakening of the barrier muscles between the concavity and the stomach, causing a reflux (backflow) or an increase in the content and acid of the stomach to the esophagus channel.

Exposure to stomach acid repeatedly to esophagus will result in irritation of the esophage or concavity layer.

GERD can also be triggered by food factors, among others, eating food and drinks with a strong taste and poor eating habits such as eating in a hurry, eating often in large portions at once, and immediately sleeping after eating.

Symptoms of GERD include nausea, bitterness in the mouth, caries in the teeth, regurgitation (food returns to the mouth from the concavity), pain when swallowing or difficulty swallowing, chronic cough, sore throat and hoarse sound, and mouth odor.

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