
JAKARTA - Prince Harry's Spare book in the Spanish version has been released. The book reveals details about the relationship between Harry and his father, King Charles, his brother, Prince William, and other never-before-published British royal members.

As before, spokesmans for Charles and William declined to comment. Quoted from Reuters, here are 5 surprising things Harry has revealed in the book Spare.

The fight with William Harry said William, the successor to the throne, hit him to the floor in 2019. At that time they argued about Harry's wife, Meghan Markle. William called the American actress "difficult", "disrespectful", and "rude", Harry wrote.

Because of William's blow, Harry fell and hit a dog bowl which then cracked due to his weight. Harry admitted he refused William's challenge to hit back and then his brother apologized for the incident.

Wearing a Nazi Harry costume claims he was pushed by Prince William and Kate to wear a Nazi costume to a costume party in 2005, a moment called Harry "one of the biggest mistakes of my life."

Had TIME to wear a gun and GanjaHarry admitted that he had been offered cocaine when he was 17 years old at someone's house. He took illegal drugs several times, although he confirmed media reports that he was an addict of illegal drugs were not true and Harry did not enjoy it.

"It feels unpleasant and doesn't make me as happy as other people feel, but it makes me feel different, and that's my main goal."

Harry also admitted that while he was still in Eton College, he often smoked marijuana in the bathroom at his residence while River Valley police who were his bodyguards patrolled outside the building.

Meeting fortune teller Harry describes a meeting with a woman who has "science" who says she can feel Princess Diana's spirit. Harry said the woman was recommended by his friends, even though Harry was skeptical, when he just sat "I felt there was energy around him."

"Your mother says you're living a life she can't go through, the life she wants for you," Harry quoted the woman as saying.

Killing 25 people in Afghanistan Harry said he had killed 25 people while working as helicopter pilots in Afghanistan. He participated in six missions, all of which claimed lives, but said it made sense because Taliban insurgents also wanted to kill their colleagues.

"That's not a statistic that makes me proud, but it doesn't embarrass me either. When I find myself drowned in battle, I don't think 25 people are humans. They are chess pieces that are removed from the board, bad people are removed before they can kill good people."

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