
YOGYAKARTA Tea was found in China about 5000 years ago and is currently very popular all over the world. Tea can be an alternative choice of drinks containing caffeine other than coffee. In addition, tea is also formulated in a number of skincare products. Including black tea which is high in antioxidants and contains various phytonutrients, it turns out to be also good for skin care.

For skin, black tea has various benefits. Among other things, preventing premature aging which is characterized by the emergence of fine lines and the decline of collagen. This benefit was found in the study reported by NDTV, Monday, January 9. In addition, black tea also reduces pigmentation caused by exposure to UV from the sun. It does not stop there, the benefits of black tea are helping to remove stains on the skin. Well, tips for skin care using black tea, here's how.

Once you brew black tea to drink, don't throw away the tea bag. Black tea bags that are already cold can be used to compress facial skin. This method aims to protect the skin from wrinkles and reduce enzymes that lower collagen. According to the researchers, black tea has superior properties compared to other types of tea in keeping the skin tight.

In the context of black tea for skin care, it seems that the assumption of caring for the skin is tested for its properties. The reason is, drinking black tea regularly can help reduce the bad effects of exposure to UV light. The skin will look brilliant and reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation.

If you don't like the bitter taste of black tea, other ingredients such as honey can be added. Apart from drinking, you can also apply it to the skin as a mask to calm the area exposed to the sun.

Black spots on the facial skin can be caused by many things. Including signs of aging or exposure to UV light. To overcome this, you can take advantage of the properties of black tea. How, brew black tea with hot water and wait for it to cool down. The goal is to make the compound good in dried tea leaves come out. Then prepare a cotton ball to apply a brewed water of black tea to the skin. To get optimal results, you can do this method regularly.

Those are skin care tips using black tea. Before using it, you need to consult your dermatologist. It aims to sync with the daily skincare you wear.

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