
JAKARTA - Indra Bekti's condition looks better. This can be seen from the upload of his wife, Aldila Jelita, who regularly shares the development of her husband.

Through his latest video, Aldila Jelita uploaded Indra Bekti who had just woken up. Although still being bandaged, Bekti began to be able to reveal what she felt.

"How is your condition?" asked Aldila Jelita.

"Gold. It's like so hot. It's like dizziness," replied Indra Bekti.

"Astaghfirullahalazim, is it really sick?" asked Dila again.

Bekti herself still wears a small tube on Indra Bekti's head. Feeling dizzy, Bekti massages her own forehead. He also sometimes closes his eyes because he feels bright.

Furthermore, Bekti also had time to reveal that she wanted to take a walk outside the house even though Bekti was being treated in the ICU.

"Where are you going?" asked Aldila Jelita.

"Isn't really allowed, is it? Who knows. Go for a walk," replied Indra Bekti.

"If you're fussing like this again, it's true. Look at me but I can't be literate because of the glare," explained Aldila Jelita.

Previously, Dila also shared Indra Bekti who ate in closed eyes. He explained that Bekti felt light with the room lights so reluctant to open her eyes.

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