
JAKARTA - Norma Risma had to face a summons from her ex-husband, Rozy Zay, after uncovering an affair between her ex-husband and her mother through a podcast with Denny Sumargo some time ago.

Norma then met Hotman Paris Hutapea to consult what he was facing, after Rozy made a police report. Fortunately, the report was rejected by the Banten Police because of the evidence that had not been fulfilled.

If Rozy persists in reporting his ex-wife, Hotman Paris says he is ready to defend and accompany Norma as a lawyer. However, the decision was returned to Norma himself.

The key is in the hands of Normas. If he doesn't want to accept (I'm his lawyer), what do I want to say," said Hotman Paris Hutapea when met by media crews in the Kelapa Gading area, North Jakarta on Sunday, January 8.

Hotman thinks that the police report Rozy made is basically not dangerous at all, but norms must be ready to be bothered if they have to fulfill the police summons later.

The lawyer who has recently been in business assesses that Norma does not need to worry if reported to have committed defamation.

"If the report is defamation, I don't know who spread the first one. But defamation according to the Decree (SK) together with the National Police Chief, the Minister of Communication and Information and the Attorney General, defamation will fail if the reported person can prove that the news circulating is true," he said.

Hotman himself suggested that Norma take legal steps if her ex-husband insisted on making a police report. "If he (Norma) is called by the police, then maybe he will come back here (Johny's coffee). Because I said yesterday, rather than being attacked, it's better to take legal action," he said.

"When he gets the call, then we'll see if Norma's reaction will eventually open all the viral veils of the factory and factory products. I myself don't dare say the factory and factory products are true or not, only Norma knows," he continued.

Berdasarkan berbagai bukti yang telah ditunjukkan Norma kepada dirinya, Hotman merasa kepercaya bisa membela Norma.I tidak terlalu khawatir kalau dia dilaporkan oleh suaminya, karena saya sudah berbicara dengan dia, banyak buktinya, pungkasnya.

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