
YOGYAKARTA Arthritis or inflammation of the joints, has symptoms of inflammation in the joints. To deal with chronic inflammation, there are many types of spices that are useful. Beneficial spices that will be explained below, you can enter them as a list of spices that must be at home. In addition, it can also be added to daily dishes, both in the form of drinks to food. What are the spices? The following is a list.

An antioxidant-rich tea chip, when added to cinnamon and honey, will be very rich in benefits. Sweet wood, contains cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid. Both have antioxidant properties that help inhibit cell damage due to free radicals. Research says further for usage recommendations. Sweet wood can be mixed in oathmeals or smoothies may not have a large effect. But if mixed with food or other spices, it may offer a cumulative anti-inflammatory effect throughout the day.

On almost all lunch dishes at the dining table use garlic as a spice. Because every variety of onions and their leaves contain a sulfide dial, this anti-inflammatory compound helps limit the effects of cytokine that causes inflammation. So, garlic can help overcome inflammation and prevent bone damage caused by arthritis.

As a tip, use fresh garlic. Because ready-to-eat onions are preservative to reduce their properties.

In turmerics contain useful curcumin blocking inflammatory cytokines and enzymes in the form of inflammation. Some research conducted on humans shows the benefits of turmeric in reducing joint pain and swelling. Do you like yellow-spiraled vegetables? Additional turmeric as seasoning not only enriches the taste, but also is healthy. According to recommendations reported by the Arthritis Foundation page, Sunday, January 8, it is most effective if turmeric is combined with black pepper to help the body absorb its properties well.

The chemicals in ginger called gingerol and shogaol help block the inflammation pathway in the body. This anti-inflammatory trait is evidenced by a number of studies. The ginger in the study can reduce osteoarthritis symptoms even though further research is still needed.

Like garlic, ginger is best used in fresh form. You can make it into tea.

Chili contains natural compounds called capsaicinoids. This compound is anti-inflammatory. Because chilies have a spicy taste, you need to consider other health conditions if you use chilies in your cooking. Start from one or two first so that the body system accepts it first. Then, you can use chili for sauce, marijuana, or chili.

As a recommendation for using spices that are popular with overcome joint inflammation, experts recommend using a little first. Another practical rule, fresh spices are the best.

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