
YOGYAKARTA Medical expert and specialist recommend routine exercise to maintain your health and body fitness. But is there a solution for those of you who are too busy and don't have sports time? Don't worry, you can allocate a break for exercise snacks. What is filling sports' and how, let's follow the full explanation.

Instead of exercising with a duration of 45-60 minutes three times a week, you can exercise snacks in a shorter time. The purpose of doing this sport is to keep you comfortable and your body in shape. Activities that are classified as snacking on this sport, just like you do your daily routine. Like walking with pets at home, stretching your legs, jumping jack while watching television even while working on your desk.

"You can exercise snacks without affecting your time plan in a day," said Joslyn Thompson-Rule, Peloton instructor. "Ngemil with sports equivalent activities, not only makes it easy for you to adjust to a busy schedule. But it is also beneficial for overall health, both physically and mentally.

Menurut penelitian tahun 2019 diterbitkan dalam Journal of Aging Research, ngemil olahraga ini dapat meningkatkan fungsi dan ukuran otok kaki. Ini bisa Anda lakukan dengan naik tangga selama beberapa menit dari sepanjang hari. Secara spesifikannya, manfaatnya dapat meningkatkan kesehatan cardiac, menurut penelitian di Universitas McCaster dan UBC Okanagan.

In addition, playing sports can also increase energy, make it easier to sleep soundly at night, and minimize drowsiness shortly after lunch. "Of course this is good for heart health, but a big thing for me is the positive impact on mental health too," Thompson-Rule said.

That means, when you are not excited, lack of motivation, and focus on decreasing, enter exercise snacks into your routine. Because it can help improve mood and in general it is beneficial for your mental health.

This sports agent, for those of you who have heart disease or back pain, needs to consult your specialist's safe movement. Most likely to be done, reported by the Cleveland Clinic page, is to move lightly, for example by walking.

How to exercise snacking, set the time with a timer. Select four types of moves and set an interval timer to perform the movement for 30 seconds and break 20 seconds. You can repeat the interval for eight minutes. If you are in good health, moves such as push-ups, squats, plank, lunges, can be done with fun. According to Thompson-Rule, exercise snacks change the idea that you should exercise within a certain period of time to be effective.

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