
JAKARTA - Muhammad Fazil Aldito or better known as Ajil Ditto is one of the actors who starred in the latest horror genre film produced by Pichouse Films, Hidayah. In the film, Ajil plays the main character named Bahri.

"Bahri is a young person who is actually one of the students in the Mekarwangi area whose religious knowledge can approach Pak Kiai's abilities, and is predicted to be a replacement for Pak Kiai," said Ajil Ditto when met in the Setiabudi area, South Jakarta on Thursday, January 5.

For one reason or another, Bahri was negligent with religious teachings and did not carry out his obligations as a Muslim. He also decided to go to Jakarta. As a person who is far from his obligation as a Muslim, Bahri is forced to return to the way of Allah and perform his worship.

The role as a student is not new to Ajil. The 21-year-old actor has played a variety of students in the web series Negari 5 Menara (2019). However, his role in Hidayah will be different because he has to deal with mystical things.

In playing Bahri's character, Ajil must again study some of the verses of the Koran. In the shooting process, Ajil was also accompanied by someone who guarded the pronunciation of the verse he read.

"Apart from being guarded so that the pronunciation is correct, I also listen to YouTube or Spotify several times to read the correct verse. In the Qur'an verse, if something is wrong, it means different," he said.

As is well known, this Hidayah film is part of the television series of the same name which had filled the screen from 2005 to 2007.

Ajil also shared his experience with the Hidayah series that used to exist. "Incidentally, my age was still small at that time. But when I was asked by Hidayah, I knew exactly that Hidayah told me that someone had deviated and finally she was subject to punishment," he said.

Hidayah will premiere in theaters on January 12. Apart from Ajil Ditto, this film also stars Givina Lukita, Alif Joerg, Unique Priscilla, Khiva Iskak, Dewi Yuli, Joshua Pandemaki and many others.

This film tells the story of Bahri's life journey (Ajil Ditto) who wants to bury his past and return to life in a village called Mekarwangi.

In the village, Bahri found many irregularities, and he felt responsible for facing problems in Mekarwangi village.

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