
YOGYAKARTA While some people are slow to open their hearts, emophilia or traits for people who fall in love, never hold back their emotions. Falling in love, may provide many benefits. For example, being more excited or far from emotional vulnerabilities.

But according to experts, someone who falls in love with criteria, will be safer than emophilia. Falling in love quickly and can often put you at risk of an unhealthy relationship experience.

According to some people, statements of love go through a process of thinking, feeling closeness, and being expressed carefully. This does not mean they avoid love. But they are slower in developing romantic relationships, according to Theresa DiDonato, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Loyola University Maryland reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, January 5.

That means one needs to find out who they are and hold on to themselves to open up to a new partner. Falling in love is encouraging, explained DiDonato, but only happens after a certain time. For people who tend to be emophilated, love occurs quickly, easily, and immediately commit. Emophilia, is an emotional pattern and behavior that marks falling in love too quickly and too easily.

This tendency is eager to fall in love and often feels in love. Emophilia is different from attachment anxiety, although constructively it is often related. Entanglement anxiety is a chronic orientation of the deposition that includes fear of being abandoned and a question of self-esteem. Emophilia is a property that appears at the beginning of the relationship, which determines how quickly people give their 100 percent of emotional investment into a relationship.

The characteristics of people who fall in love often spend time with the romantic couple they just met. They say 'I love you' on the first date and have little time to go from ex to a new partner. People with high emophilities, often fail to see red flags. So they risk falling in love with a toxic couple.

Falling in love can change a person. They think about their partner and feel anxious, happy, excited, to full energy. A person in this condition will feel his life change. Because falling in love changes a person, people with emophilia may have a very volatile dynamical self-conceptual. Therefore, self-instabilities are prone to people who fall in love easily.

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