
JAKARTA - The Evil Dead franchise continues with a new story. New Line Cinema released the first trailer for Evil Dead Rise, which is a standalone film from the franchise, which means the main plot is not connected to the original trilogy and reboots.

Evil Dead Rise tells the story of two brothers who are separated and met. Their reunion had to be stopped by a meat possessed demon known as Deadites.

The first trailer offers horror with so many jumpscales present throughout the video. One of the terrible is a possessed mother holding the child's arm through the barricade door.

The poster, which was first released, also shows her mother hugging her two children. Tagline Mother loves you to death hinting at complex and tense family relationships.

Directed by Lee Cronin, Evil Dead Rise stars Lily Sullivan, Alyssa Sutherland, Morgan Davies, Gabrielle Echols and Nell Fisher. In addition, this film also stars Jayden Daniels, Billy Reynolds-McCarthy and Tai Wano.

The franchise creators are also still involved in making Evil Dead Rise. Sam Raimi is executive producer along with Bruce Campbell, the lead actor of the franchise.

"Even though I didn't appear in the film, as a producer I really supported this film. I can say I was involved too," wrote Bruce Campbell.

The film Evil Dead Rise is projected to hit theaters starting April 21, 2023.

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