
JAKARTA - After a week of being in the hospital and being separated from his children, Indra Bekti was finally able to meet his two children, Dafania Sahira Indrabekti and Anabell Tak.

His wife, Aldilla Jelita, said that the meeting between Indra Bekti and her two children was a suggestion from a team of doctors at Abdi Waluyo Hospital, Central Jakarta, after seeing Inbek's condition, Indra Bekti's nickname was getting better.

"Alhamdulillah, he started to target (children), the names were mentioned like that. Then until yesterday he could be looking for his child, so the doctor hopes that I will bring my two children," Aldilla Jelita told the media crew at Abdi Waluyo Hospital, Central Jakarta on Thursday, January 5.

The defender, who is still in the ICU and is still being observed by a team of doctors, was advised to meet his two children in person. Although he did not remember the names of his two children, recently Bekti often asked Dhila about their child's whereabouts.

The presence of children on the Bekti side who undergo observations is expected by the team of doctors to be an encouragement so that the recovery process will be faster. "Yes, because it is to make observations of Mas Bekti and the children. Because the word (doctor) makes (Indra Bekti) enthusiastic," said Dhila.

The wife of the 45-year-old presenter also revealed the moment of emotion that occurred. Not only remembering the names of his two children, Bekti also remembers his youngest child, Kenward Athar Indrabekti, who had died.

In the ICU, Bekti, who seemed more enthusiastic, also took the time to do things that were rarely done with her two daughters. Bekti taught her two children to sing and pray. Not only that, Bekti also agreed to play'suster-suster with her child.

Overall, Dhila tried to summarize and stated that her husband's condition is currently getting better. The team of doctors also assessed that Bekti's recovery period after the operation was faster than expected.

Dhila also hopes that Indra Bekti can be transferred to the inpatient room as soon as possible. "Just wait, just pray, because the doctor is still saying observation. Everything is better, it's not dizzy, blood pressure is stable, we just checked. Everything is good, it's just a doctor observation. Because it's still risky, the memory is not stable to move to the room without the supervision of the doctors," he concluded.

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