Adults Need To Learn From Children About These 7 THINGS, Mentally Healthy Lho!
Illustration of adults learning from children (Pexels/Anastasiya Gepp)


YOGYAKARTA For parents, the general public is of the view that they need to teach their children a way of life, especially at the age of toddlers. However, adults need to learn many things from their children. For example, it relates to their honest, loving, and cheerful attitude.

Children are sometimes more honest than adults. Adults often have many considerations to express truth or honesty. Here's an attitude that adults can learn from children under five.

Although sometimes it makes its interlocutors stuck, children under five tell their opinions honestly. In certain situations, you need to tell the truth right? This is why we need to learn about honesty from children.

Not infrequently you see children can play alone. They are really amazing, because they can enjoy their little world alone, with the characters they imagine, then express them in words when playing dolls or dialogue with robot-robot toys. What needs to be learned, is how they are not ashamed of what they have. They don't even care how others comment.

Something that is missing from most adults from time to time is their pleasure. Launching All Women's Talk, Thursday, January 5, you don't have to act like a three-year-old. But a little joy can really change things for the better.

While fighting is a negative trait, being selfish is not always bad. For example, you can complete a lot of tasks because you prioritize your own needs, not others. For that, a little selfish can be for self-defense.

Children have compassion for other living things. It doesn't come to their minds that they want to kill cows to eat. This means they understand how humans love, care for, and don't hurt.

Many people feel very self-aware about themselves. For example, make them lose weight, which clothes are suitable, and others. This example illustrates how insecurity forms our behavior. But toddlers can be amazing in everything they wear. They remain confident and can smile safely when the skirt is not symmetrical because it is pinched by the belt.

Small things can make children under five laugh. They can laugh when they see funny shows. They can also smile when you smile at them. Even simple things can make them cheerful. This is where adults can learn from toddlers about how to entertain themselves and laugh more often.

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