
JAKARTA - Along with the condition of Indra Bekti who was being treated at the hospital due to bleeding that occurred in his head, several fake reports emerged saying the presenter had died.

Cipta, Indra Bekti's younger brother regretted the wrong news. "It's on YouTube that Indra Bekti wrote 'Innalillahi Indra Bekti passed away', but when he saw it, it turned out that when his father died,' said Cipta when met by the media crew at Abdi Waluyo Hospital, Central Jakarta on Monday, January 2.

The younger brother representing the family objected to the difference in the title and content of the news. "Yes, I really don't make news that the title is not true," he continued.

He felt his family was harmed. The reason is, several families whose age has continued to believe when they saw the title. Those who were far from Jakarta were surprised and had confirmed the news to Cipta.

Berdasarkan penjelasan Cipta, kondisi Indra Bekti saat ini masih menjalani perawatan intensif di ruang ICU RS Abdi Waluyo. Dibandingkan kondisinya kemarin, hari ini Indra kembali lebih baik. Mata masih ngel burem dan kepala pusing. Belum ada perubahan kondisinya dari yang kemarin, tapi sudah lebih bagus karena sudah mau makan makan dan minum lebih banyak dari kemarin, ungkapnya.

Currently, the doctor also recommends that Indra Bekti rest completely and not receive many guests. "Currently the doctor is focused on resting. So that it doesn't happen like a few days ago, it was down because his blood pressure was rising. Now blood pressure is normal but still helped with medicine," he said.

As Aldilla Jelita, Indra Bekti's wife, Cipta also stated that the presenter would be in the hospital for 20 days to undergo the healing process.

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