
JAKARTA - The film Alena Anak Ratu Devil will be the first film to be screened in 2023. The horror thriller genre, the film produced by Arjuna Mega Film, will premiere in Indonesian cinemas on January 5.

Directed by Sonu Samtani, Alena Anak Ratu Devil stars Ririn Ekawati, Ciara Brosnan, Karenina Maria Anderson, Wulan Guritno, Temmy Rahadi, Ali Zainal, and Jerico Gowantama.

Sonu Samtani reveals the uniqueness of the story shown in this film. "The story itself is very unique, there is the son of the queen of the devil in the world whose job is to destroy the world. His first task is to make his family rich so that it affects," said Sonu Samtani during a press conference in the Setiabudi area, South Jakarta.

The queen of the devil is played by Karenina Maria Anderson. He said he was happy with the role he played. Not only scary, Karenina is required to display the brutality of the role played byhya.

Directed by Sonu Samtani, Alena Anak Ratu Devil stars Ririn Ekawati, Ciara Brosnan, Wulan Guritno, Temmy Rahadi, Ali Zainal, and Jerico Gowantama.

The shooting process itself takes 40 days, according to Godas T as the producer as a unique experience. A lot of things happen when we are in a location that is a little scary but still fun. Because everyone involved while filming did their job seriously, the cast was also all good. So overall all fun, all good," he said.

However, the production team's editing process takes up to a year to complete it. The reason is, this film uses CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) technology to add the horror of the scenes displayed by the actors.

Alena the Queen of the Devil's own son tells the story of a married couple named Hendra (Temy Rahadi) and Maya (Ririn Ekawati) who find a child on their way home. The couple, who have not been blessed with the baby, then adopted the child and gave him the name Alena (Ciara Brosnan).

Since being adopted, Alena has had several positive impacts on the family. Hendra, who had previously not been so successful in his business career, began to feel a drastic change towards success.

Success in business, Hendra and Maya's happiness became complete when they were blessed with a child they had been waiting for. However, since then irregularities began to be felt by Hendra's family. They also questioned who Alena really was.

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