
JAKARTA - When gathering with family and friends at the 2023 New Year celebrations, of course it is incomplete if it is not accompanied by snacks. But don't let the snacks consumed have a bad impact on the body.

Protein is one of the most important nutrients to pay attention to its intake. According to the Mayo Clinic, if your calorie needs are 2,000 calories per day, then you should consume 200-700 calories from protein or 50-175 grams, as quoted from Popsugar on Friday.

Examples of protein-rich foods include meat, fish, nuts, and pods. The best time to eat protein is every time you eat, including snacks.

"High-protein snack is great because it provides sustainable energy to your body and helps you feel and stay full between meals," said Kistlyn Willwerth dietist MS, RD. Here are some high protein snack inspirations for you.

Pistachio Ahli's beans diet Lauran Manaker, MS, RDN, LDN said, pistachio beans contain all essential amino acids that compose protein. In addition, pistachio beans can also be a source of fiber, vitamin B6, to phosphorus.

cheese StikKeju is rich in minerals, fats, and calcium, as well as protein height. According to dietist Emily Tills, RD, cheese sticks have about seven grams of protein.

Cooked eggs According to the American Heart Association, one large egg contains six grams of protein. Thus, boiled eggs are a good way to add to your protein intake.

According to a review in the 2016 Journal of Food Science and Technology, peanut butter contains essential healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants such as resveratrol.

In two tablespoons, you can get eight grams of protein. So, you can try adding peanut butter to a piece of bread or whole-grain bread for delicious and high-protein snacks.

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