
YOGYAKARTA There are many concepts of prewedding that are popular with society and artists, one of which is the concept of prepaid casual. This concept is widely used because it is considered simpler, more practical, and simple. In addition, the costs needed are not too big compared to several other concepts.

The concept of prepaid casual is a relaxed-themed concept. Casual itself refers to relaxed and simple properties. This concept can be applied both outdoors and indoor, so it is more flexible to apply in various situations.

The concept of casual pre-wedding is also widely chosen because the budget needed is relatively efficient and affordable. In addition, not many accessories are needed and can be applied in all weather. For those of you who want to apply the concept of prepaid casual, there are several tips, namely as follows.

Although casual, determining the background theme also needs to be done. For example, you choose a background in the field, in the park, or in a room with a harmonious color. Avoid choosing a background that contradicts the concept of casual as in places of worship.

The concept of casual carries the theme of simplicity, so that too thick make-up will contradict casual. However, with a simple make-up, the results of the wedding candidate's photo will beautified.

One of the advantages of casual pixels is the costume that is worn more flexibly. No need to be confused with the costume theme, you can adjust the bride and groom's daily style so there is no need to rent costumes and a more minimalistic fee. You can also use a couple shirt by making the costume yourself.

In addition to costumes, the selected properties can be more relaxed and simple. For example, you can use properties related to picnicing in the garden, or you can also use the theme of children's games.

The concept of casual prewed can also be done indoors. In shooting, it is recommended to use soft lighting tricks. You can coat the lights with a white cloth so that the light is not too thick.

Pose on the concept of casual is considered more and flexible. Art directors can explore poses more than other concepts. Players can also pose according to their wishes by considering many things.

In the concept of prepaid casual, intimacy is an important key. Intimacy itself can be shown in many ways starting from costumes or poses.

In the pose, increase the look and smile on the bride and groom. The two things will give a romantic impression so that the photo results represent a million stories of the couple's love relationship.

The budget needed in the casual concept can be adapted to needs. However, the more minimal it is, the better because it shows more simplicity and a relaxed impression. Spending too much money, or using too luxury goods is feared to get out of the casual concept.

That's information related to the concept of prepaid casual. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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