
YOGYAKARTA - The employee recruitment process is a very important stage in a company. Every company definitely wants to get employees who are competent and made high. For candidates with good qualification, HR needs to carry out a number of employee selection methods.

Companies generally apply several selection methods when recruiting new employees. Not only interview tests, selection is also carried out in the form of work practice tests, personality tests, and others. At this stage, HR will assess whether the candidate is worthy to join the company.

The employee selection process cannot be done quickly or briefly. The recruitment stage is a very important process because it is related to the company's performance. Usually the recruitment process can last for days to several weeks.

The recruitment stage is extended because the company wants to really find the candidates needed and can contribute well. The selection test is not only once to see the qualifications of candidates from various sides. The following is an employee selection method that HR needs to implement.

The ability test is the standard method used for the performance of applicant candidates. The ability test is also called the talent test. This test is not only used to measure the performance of individuals who do tasks, but also in situations related to different jobs.

The test of ability is not just measuring a person's abilities in academic performance. This test is also used as an indicator to determine the ability of candidates in the work environment, starting from adjusting, collaborating, communicating, and so on.

Another test that becomes an employee search method is an integrity test. This test is used to assess the character and attitude of a candidate. HR will assess whether the candidate is worthy of the company's culture and vision and mission.

In this selection stage, the company will collect data or information from employees, ranging from honesty, trust, commitment, work ethic, and others. This test is important so that companies and candidates can work comfortably. As many as 24 percent of the companies that have recruited have used this test.

The employee method that needs to be done next is a personality test. This test may be at first glance similar to the integrity test that has been described previously. The difference is that the personality test is more personal or the personality characteristics of each person.

Personal tests relate to the ability to manage oneself. These tests need to be done because they are related to work performance in the future. These tests are carried out to measure one or more than five dimensions of personality, ranging from emotional, stability, extroversion, awareness, embodiment, and others.

The next test that is usually included in the employee selection method is the work practice test. This test is used to assess the skills and knowledge of candidates according to the field of position applied for. This test is also called direct work practice.

The work practice test is carried out by way the company provides a working test to the candidate. At this stage, the candidate must work and be responsible for the task given.

The employee selection method that also needs to be applied by human resources is a situational assessment test. This test is carried out by positioning the candidate in a scenario that may be experienced.

In the situational assessment test, HR will assess how well candidates are in following instructions, handling situations at work, prioritizing client questions, and others. This selection is needed to see the performance and work ethic of the candidate whether it is in accordance with the company's culture.

This one job selection method is common. Work interview tests are conducted to assess candidate acceptability. Interviews are conducted with formal and detailed questions. There are several types of job interviews that HR can do.

Those are some employee selection methods that can be applied by human resources to assess good qualification candidates. The recruitment process is an important step for companies (HR) and candidates (candidates). At this stage, both of them have the opportunity to identify and introduce themselves for work needs. So it's not just applicants, HR must also prepare it carefully.

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