
JAKARTA - Didi Mahardhika or who is familiarly called Didi Soekarno was angry when he read an article about the total wealth of the president and former president of the Republic of Indonesia. In the article, it is written that Soekarno's wealth reaches USD 180 billion.

This figure was quoted from Austrian newspapers Kronen Zeitung editions 17 and 19 December 2012, while other former presidents in a row, Suharto (USD 15 billion, Time Warner Inc), BJ Habibie (USD 60 million, Asia Far Eastern Economic Review), Gus Dur (Rp 3.49 billion, LHKPN 2001), Megawati Soekarno Putri (Rp 96.16 billion, LHKPN 2014), Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (Rp 13.98 billion, LHKPN 2014) and President Joko Widodo (Rp 50.24 billion, LHKPN).

With the title, the Indonesian Presidential Wealth List, Who is the Most Tajir? Didi Soekarno considered to lead public opinion. Because it is clear in the article, it shows that former President Soekarno has the richest of other presidents in Indonesia.

"Towards the election, it will be the effect of the people not believing in the news. We can no longer know which news is true and which is not true," wrote Didi Soekarno on the Instagram account @mahardhika_soekarno.

Even Didi Soekarno challenged the media that contained the news to prove it.

"If there is, please help those who can prove it, invite us to UBS to collect and pay all our state debt," he wrote again.

Furthermore, Didi Soekaro wrote about the life of his grandfather after he stepped down as president.

"The death at Wisma Yaso, with a very simple life. How could there be USD 180 billion, it's a lie," Didi wrote further.

Didi Soekarno is the son of the late Rachmawati Soekarno Putri who is currently also listed as a politician and artist.

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