
JAKARTA - When people are unhappy with themselves, demean themselves in front of others, and feel that they are not worthy of anything, then a feeling of despair grows in them. Not only that, sooner or later may cause loss of motivation, frustration and decreased confidence. To prevent that from happening, see five reasons why loving yourself is important and how to do it as quoted from PsychCentral, Tuesday, December 27.

The way you view and treat yourself will affect the way you relate to other people. People who love and care about themselves will behave the same way towards their friends and family.

Those who have softness on themselves will easily show mercy to others. Know how you want to be treated makes you tend to be easily free from the entanglement of toxic relationships.

Research shows that positive relationships with oneself are associated with stronger mental health. For example, researchers studying students aged 15 to 21 found that high self-esteem affects strong mental health.

Another study in students found similar results. Participants who experience anxiety, depression, or easy emotions are able to improve their mental health by focusing on developing self-esteem and self-confidence.

Repulsing and accepting yourself can also have a positive impact on productivity levels. For example, a study published in 2018 revealed that students with strong self-esteem have better academic achievements.

Positive emotions can increase your energy. In addition, identifying through your self-awareness what you are good at can help develop effective processes to solve things.

Sometimes, threats or problems may feel exaggerated because you in your heart don't believe you can handle them. If you don't understand your strength or don't trust yourself to do difficult things, you tend to panic when problems arise.

When you have a healthy relationship with yourself, you will be more likely to know how capable you are and understand how to take care of yourself during difficult times. You may develop the feeling that you can handle obstacles and challenges.

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