
YOGYAKARTA When the temperature is cold, the flu will spread and be easily transmitted. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the common cold makes children and adults skip routine activities, such as school and work. But do you know the difference between ordinary colds and flu?

Flu and colds can be caused by different viruses. There are more than 200 types of viruses that can cause common colds, in contrast to coronaviruses and rhinoviruses. familiar flu is recognized after experiencing three symptoms, namely sore throat, nasal congestion, cough and sneezing. Interestingly, about a quarter of people infected with the common cold virus have no symptoms at all.

Flu develops from influenza virus, which has three types, including influenza A, influenza B, and influenza C. Although colds and flu have many symptoms, influenza infections tend to be recognized with high temperatures, body aches, cold or chills. These symptoms are most appropriate to distinguish between colds and flu.

Influenza can occur at any time throughout the year. But most cases follow a relatively predictable seasonal pattern. First signs of influenza activity, usually started around October. This month, the air temperature is cold. During the year, the flu outbreak can last until May. Its outbreak started in December, January, peaked in February and March. For tropical countries such as in Indonesia, the peak of the flu outbreak occurred in the humid months of the rainy season.

Some theories reveal, ranging from the flu that affects viral behavior, how well immunity overcomes infection, how much time in crowded places, to the least exposure to sunlight is related to each other. When viruses have colds and flu usually try to enter the body through the nose. A sophisticated body defense system overcomes it through mucus. With mucus, the virus is trapped. Not to mention the stomach acid that works to neutralize microbes. However, cold air slows down mucus work so that the virus easily penetrates the defense mechanism.

There is still one more defense system, namely the immune system. The phagocyte, which is a special immune cell, swallows and digests the virus. However, researchers revealed the decrease in air temperature weakens this defensive activity.

How is it related to sunlight containing vitamin D? Vitamin D is involved in the formation of an antimicrobial molecule that limits how well the influenza virus replicates. Research in this laboratory raises the belief that consuming vitamin D supplements can help prevent the flu. This is clinically tested, because it is shown that schoolchildren who consume vitamin D3 every day have a lower risk of contracting influenza A. However, no large-scale clinical trial has yet concluded the findings firmly.

To protect yourself from getting a common cold and flu, is to regularly wash your hands with soap and water; do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth; and stay away from people who have been infected with colds or flu. If it is infected, home treatment can be done. But if the condition worsens and respiratory difficulties, it is advisable to see a doctor.

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