
YOGYAKARTA Cherry angioma is a small lesion similar to flies but red. This lesion often appears in the trunk area of the body, arms, and legs. The size is not large, only about 2-4 millimeters are light to dark. Because it is in a round shape like cherries, it is called angioma and angioma because of the group growth.

Cherry angioma is also known as Champbell de Morgan because it refers to the age of the person who experiences it, namely older adults. Cherry angioma, is also similar to hermangioma fever. The difference is, angioma grows more tamely arranged by blood vessels or lymphatic vessels. While hemangioma, is composed of only blood vessels that appear in childhood to childhood.

Based on estimates, 50 percent of adults have an angioma on the skin after they are 30 years old. Launching the Cleveland Clinic page, Monday, December 26, generalized angiom anomalies occur in 75 percent of adults aged 75 years or older. However, everyone has the potential to have an angiama although older people often experience it.

Cherry angioma can appear in healthy people and people who have certain medical conditions. This little lesis is not classified as dangerous, even though it grows in groups and is difficult to distinguish between melanoma or mantik.

Experts explain, the cause of the angioma is not known for sure. But some studies have identified factors that trigger the emergence of angioms in the skin. Among them, aging, pregnancy is associated with hormonal changes, genetic mutations, and exposure to chemicals such as topical nitrogen mustard, bromide, and nooksietanol.

Symptoms of angioms are not followed by other symptoms such as itching. But if the skin around the angioma feels itchy, be careful when sneering it because it can bleeding. The itching lump of the skin is actually not related to the angiama. But a person can be caused by allergies, acne, dry skin, herpes zoster, causing the skin around the angioma to feel very itchy.

In pregnant women, angioma diperkira dikirakan karena tingkat prolaktin tinggi. Prolaktin adalah hormon yang dibuat oleh nomor pituitari. Cherry angioma, seringnya akan uncul dan hilang sendirinya setelah melahirkan.

How do you treat angioma? Because this manifold-like lesi is harmless, it actually does not require special treatment. But because the appearance may be considered annoying, it is necessary to have a small surgery by an expert to remove it. Please note, the removal of angioms with surgery can leave scars or scar tissue. So, it must be handled directly by the expert so as to minimize unwanted risks.

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