
JAKARTA - Marcel Wazival, known as the Red Devils, was reported for his remarks on social media which were deemed to have insulted a shaman. Accompanied by his attorney, Marcel visited the South Jakarta Metro Police on Friday, December 23 to undergo an examination.

Through his social media, Marcel explained that the shaman is a con artist and an obscene man under the guise of religion or under the guise of culture and uses magic to deceive many people. To prove his remarks, Marcel challenged the shamans.

"If it's simple with me, actually, come here, any shamans in Indonesia, if you dare to prove their knowledge to me. If there is one knowledge that is practiced, I can't reveal the secrets, I declare that I lost, I will stop and close my channel (YouTube)," Marcel said during a check at the South Jakarta Metro Police.

Agustinus Nahak, Marcel's attorney also confirmed his client's statement. "Dukun who is considered obscene, if he is great, please try witchcraft tonight Marcel," he said.

"If he falls because of witchcraft, I will buy what the shaman wants," continued the Red racer.

Marcel's attorney stated that his client's upload was actually inappropriate to report. The reason is that what is done is to educate the wider community, especially people who believe in these shamans.

"So, Bang Marcel here educates people not to be deceived by the practice of shamanism by using equipment and equipment that can be scientifically proven (his mistake)," said Yunus, another attorney for Marcel Wazival.

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