
JAKARTA - Inspired by the Golden Raspberry Awards, Sports Kyungh media conducted a survey with 34 Korean film industry people to determine their winner. Golden Raspberry, also known as Ra Kalimantan, is a parody award event to reward the worst film or actor.

The 34 people chose films and names of actors for the worst 2022 Film category, the worst actor this year, and actors with Bad behavior.

The worst Film Award was given to the film Serve The People directed by Jang Chul Soo. Winning with 18 votes, this film is considered to have a sexual scene without meaning to the story. When it was shown in theaters, this film was only watched by 79 thousand people during the broadcast period.

In second place is Carter, starring Joo Won and Lee Sung Jae as many as 9 votes, followed by Alienoid of Choi Dong Hoon with 7 votes.

Then the worst Actor award this year was won by Ji Ahn who starred in Serve The People. The actress won with 21 votes and not a few said, "He looks like reading a script" and "I feel sorry Yeon Woo Jin has to act with him."

The second position is occupied by So Ji Sub with his acting in the film Alienoid. With 6 votes, some people commented like, "Let's act well, like romance movies."

In third place is Jo Yi Hyun from the film Ditto and Joo Won with Carter. Both actors and actresses got three votes for different reasons. Jo Yi Hyun is considered to have difficulty memorizing dialogue while Joo Won finds it difficult to present characters.

Then this Year's Bad Conduct Actors won by Ma Dong Seok, Kim Tae Ri, and Nam Joo Hyuk. Ma Dong Seok got 20 votes related to his promotional period in Lee Sang Yong's film The Roundup.

As a producer and player, Ma Dong Seok refused an interview with the media because he was busy with schedules and travel. Dong Seok's agency also only gave a short answer from the actor during the interview.

This happened again in the promotion of the Men of Plastic last November. Ma Dong Seok refused the entire series of promotions so that promotions were mostly carried out by other players.

"That's not a good attitude for an actor to be responsible for his production team. It's very unprofessional," one of the comments from the industry.

Kim Tae Ri took second place with 11 votes. Some criticized Kim Tae Ri for her behavior during the promotion of the Alienoid film where she chose to be busy drawing rather than focusing on interviews.

"It looks like he has Na Hee Do syndrome (Kim Tae Ri's character in Twenty Five Twenty One). He behaves like a cheerful person but actually that's an excuse not to be professional," said one party.

The third position is occupied by Nam Joo Hyuk with six votes. Nam Joo Hyuk is absent from all promotions for the film Remember due to several controversies as suspected of bullying and photos of drinking alcohol when he was a circulating minor.

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