
JAKARTA - Are you currently experiencing a condition where children are often fussy before bed? If so, then this is the right time for you to train your child's sleep pattern or known as sleep training.

The article published in What To Expect, reported Femina, Wednesday, December 21 explaining the sleep training method is to teach children to fall asleep and fall asleep again while waking up at night without your help.

Most experts say that the ideal time to practice sleep is when children are between 4 and 6 months old. Although it is still possible, sleep training will be more challenging to do when children are 1 year old. Experts argue that sleeping habits will be more difficult to teach as children get older.

The right sleep training method is of course also adjusted to the personality of each child and how comfortable parents are with this method. Some of the methods commonly used to train children's sleep patterns include.

In this method, parents put their children in bed and let their children cry to sleep without help or visit from you. This method is effective and does not cause trauma to toddlers as an adult.

Of course, listening to children cry and scream until they fall asleep is not an easy matter for you. Therefore, it can be adjusted again to the sleep training method that you feel is appropriate to apply according to your comfort.

This method is done by letting children cry for a certain period of time before you finally check the condition of your little one. The frequency to check your little one's condition every day is decreasing so that children will gradually get used to it and fall asleep on their own.

As the name suggests, this method involves chairs to train your child's sleep patterns. You will sit in a chair next to your child until you fall asleep, then leave the room. Every night, you move the chair a little further to the door until you are completely out of the room and your little one falls asleep on its own.

This method is called the easiest to accept by infants and toddlers. You also feel helped because you haven't heard a child cry for a long time. Because it is done slowly, the effect of this method has been seen for a long time.

In this method, parents take advantage of your little one's natural sirkadian rhythm to encourage him to fall asleep more easily. Instead of putting him to sleep at a normal time, wait until he starts showing signs of fatigue such as yawning or wiping his eyes, then you put him to sleep.

The success of parents in introducing sleep training to children will certainly be a big change and provide benefits for children and parents as well. Even so, the results of sleep training cannot be obtained instantly, the key is to be consistent in trying to do this sleep training.

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