
Actress and model Dominiq Hadid expressed his disappointment at the agreement between himself and Erwin Arnada, the director of a film who is also a former editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine. Accompanied by lawyer Insank Nasruddin, Dominiq held a press conference to reveal the losses he had to accept as a result of his agreement with Erwin.

"That on the occasion we will convey at this press conference regarding the issue of our client on behalf of Dominiq and Erwin Arnada, which is related to the issue of a memorandum of agreement between Dominiq and Erwin Arnada," said Insank Nasruddin to the media crew in the Pancoran area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, December 20.

In the agreement made in 2021 and ending in 2022, Dominiq was promised to get a role in a feature film. However, in reality Dominiq did not get what had been agreed upon until now.

Because of the agreement, Dominiq admitted that he had rejected three offers to act against him. Although he knew that the promise to play a film did not materialize and had to lose income, the actress also did not want to violate the agreement that was made.

"This is too much, both material losses, psychological losses, where our clients have to face a financial situation in a pandemic like this," said Isank.

Then the lawyer explained that he found irregularities in the memorandum of agreement between his client and Erwin Arnada. "We see that there is an anomalies (in the agreement), Erwin Arnada there claims to be an executive producer, but only limited to the producer executive, never mentions that he belongs to the production house (PH) or what company," he said.

Furthermore, due to these irregularities, Insank also doubts the promises contained in the agreement. "So we see, is this a seriousness in the form of cooperation where he is an executive producer or just a trick," he continued.

Insank Nasruddin also hopes that there will be good iktihad from Erwin Arnada to solve the problem. "Our essence conveys this is how there is good ithikad from Brother Erwin Arnada to solve this problem. That's why before we took legal steps, if there is a good iktihad from the person concerned to solve this, then let's talk about it," he concluded.

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