
JAKARTA - James Gunn hopes that the last film Guardians of the Galaxy can close the story of the Guardians trilogy. The DC CEO admits to being inspired by Before's trilogy from director Richard Linklater.

It is known that Before Sunrise's trilogy ended in 18 years with the film Before Midnight in 2013. This trilogy is Gunn's favorite film and he expects Guardians of the Galaxy to imitate his success.

"The number of good third episodes in a trilogy, I can calculate it with one hand," Gunn told Entertainment Weekly.

"Basically, there's the series 'Before Sunrise','men't of the Rings', maybe 'Spider-Man'. But not too many trilogy is good."

Furthermore, James Gunn explained that the third volume as well as the last film of Guardians was filled with complex stories. The film still stars Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Salda total, Karen Gillan, Pom Klementieff, Vin Diesel, and Bradley Cooper.

"This (Film) is the point where we can know honesty about character and we face the biggest challenge," said James Gunn.

"One of the reasons why I came back to make this film was because I felt I had to tell Rocket's story," he explained.

James Gunn explained Rocket's character, played by Bradley Cooper. Rocket is akah yang menjadi protagonist of the Guardians story.

They are traumatized and this brings them together. I think what Rocket is experiencing is more extreme than other characters," said James Gunn.

When I made the first Guardians film, I was interested. I feel called so I feel very happy for the third volume because I feel I can make this trilogy," he said.

Gunn feels very sad if he can't end the franchise well. But fortunately Marvel contacted James Gunn to make the film back. Gunn said he had to finish this trilogy.

"This is the best blessing of my life... I will be sad if I can't finish the trilogy but I feel connected to Rocket. I feel like no one can reveal Rocket's story other than me," James Gunn continued.

The last film Guardians of the Galaxy will be released on May 5, 2023.

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