
JAKARTA - Gala Sky has become a public conversation because of her funny behavior. He has also grown bigger and looks smooth in speaking.

Recently, Gala Sky stole the public's attention for praying for her parents, the late Vanessa Angel and Aunt Ardiansyah. The moment was shared by the Gala Sky social media account managed by the Gala family.

In the video, Gala wants to sleep and is asked to pray before resting. Assisted by her caregiver, Gala expressed her desire for Vanessa and Bibi to enter heaven.

"Enter Mami Papi into heaven, O Allah, amen," said Gala Sky.

Then the caregiver taught Gala to give a message to her parents. Gala also said she would sleep first.

"Mami, Papi, Gala want to break it first," he said.

"Later we will play again with Papi and Mami," Gala said again.

Even when he woke up, Gala again expressed her hopes. He also prayed for Vanessa and Bibi by making a prayer movement.

"Mami papa goes to heaven, Aamiin. Gala bobo first," said Gala.

"Eh, have you wake up. Gala loves you, papa?" asked Ida, Gala's caretaker.

"Sayang," said Gala Sky.

Vanessa Angel and Bibi Ardiansyah passed away on November 4, 2021 on their way to Surabaya. Gala and her caregiver and driver are declared safe. Now Gala lives with Aunt Ardiansyah's family.

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