
YOGYAKARTA - Having a smooth face and glowing is everyone's dream. There are various natural ingredients that can be used for facial skin treatment. One of them is using aloe vera. Many are wondering how to make a glowing face with aloe vera.

Aloe vera is already known to have properties for skin health. Plants with slippery meat with gel-like textures have a lot of water content, nutrients, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances. These various ingredients can make facial skin bright and look youthful.

Many beauty and health products use aloe vera. Aloe tongue gels are usually found in products such as sunscreen, moisturizer, soap, shampoo, and facial serum. The content in the crocodile's tongue also has other benefits for skin health, such as brightening dark skin areas, treating acne and wound, overcoming skin irritation, moisturizing the skin, preventing premature aging, and so on.

Aloe vera is a plant that is often used as a material for beauty products. You can use your own crocodile tongue to treat your skin at home. Follow these tips and steps.

The first way you can do to treat the skin using aloe vera is to apply it to the skin. Before that, wash the crocodile's tongue that you will use first. Then peel the skin and take the meat.

Gel or vera meat you can slice or can be processed into juice. The results of the slice or juice are then applied to the face or skin you want to brighten. If you want to get maximum results, you are advised to apply aloe gel at night before bed and rinse the next day.

The next way you can do is make a mask from a mixture of aloe vera and lemon. You can mix aloe vera with lemon juice. Here are the steps to make it.

The mixture of these two ingredients is useful for cleaning skin pores, removing dust and dirt, to removing dead skin cells from the face. In addition, these materials also help produce collagen, so that the face can look brighter, cleaner, smooth, and strong.

You can also make scrubs from mixtures of crocodile tongue, sugar, and olive oil. In addition, you can also use additional ingredients, namely white sugar and almond oil. How to make it quite easy, the steps are as follows.

Another way to brighten your face is to use a mask from a mixture of aloe vera, coffee, and sugar. Sugar items are useful for removing dead skin cells on the face. While coffee grounds to disguise the dark circle under the eyes.

How to make it simple and easy enough, follow the following steps.

Another tip to make a glowing face is to use a mask from a mixture of aloe vera and papaya. The content in papaya fruit is useful for making facial skin look glowing and removing acne scars.

The ingredients for making these masks include cocoa powder, papaya fruit, and aloe vera gel. How to make it quite easy, follow the following method.

Those are a number of ways to make a glowing face using aloe vera. How to use this natural ingredient to brighten your face is very easy. But to get maximum and fast results, you need to apply it regularly or consistently.

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