
JAKARTA - Since the series of wedding events with Erina Gudono a few days ago, Kaesang Pangarep has seemed to be the subject of netizen talks. It looks like it didn't change like before getting married, President Jokowi's youngest son still has comments from netizens with his hilarious tweets.

After officially becoming Erina Gudono's legal husband, Kaesang's Twitter account looks very active in responding to netizens. Unmitigated, Kaesang is even still dealing with netizens' curiosity regarding sensitive issues regarding his new household.

It was only a few hours from his wedding reception at Mangkunegaran Temple, Kaesang made a tweet that caught the attention of netizens. "I want to add more," wrote Kaesang. ADD TO EATING THE MEANING. I HAVEN'T EATED DARITADI, "he continued.

Asked by netizens why he hasn't slept yet after a day of reception, Erina's husband gave a strange answer. "Yes, tonight is overtime, work hard first," he replied.

After a while his Twitter account was not active, on Monday afternoon Kaesang made another tweet that got a lot of responses from netizens. "Rama first," he wrote.

Netizens who understood the jokes from Kaesang tried to ask. "How many times have you shampooed you?" asked @NantoRusnanto. Today 3 times shampooed," replied Kaesang.

The discussion about Kaesang and ramamas' was trending on Twitter, and the sister of the Mayor of Surakarta was still making a tweet until Tuesday night. "It's been 23 times (chaotic)," he said.

Not only that, Kaesang also used a lot of 'nature' terms to respond to netizens who wanted to know the condition of Kaesang and Erina. "Incidentally, I ran out. I JUST WENT AWAY," replied Kaesang when asked why he kept shampooing.

On Tuesday night, two nights after the wedding ceremony was over, Kaesang still seemed to have tweeted netizens' tweets. "It's night, bro, you don't have a keris?" asked @_bakultahu. Haven't eaten dinner yet. Later tonight it's going to be hard, "said President Jokowi's son.

Tersebut seperti keramas dan gasah keris merupakan term nyaru atau di artikan terhadap hal lain yang biasa disonotasikan dengan hubungan antara suami-istri di bed. Sejak lama, comedian atau komedian Indonesia kerap melesemETkan kedua term tersebut, yang dimaksud sebagai hal-hal yang terkait urusan suami-istri di be bed.

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