
JAKARTA - A Mental Medicine Specialist from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Dr. Dr. Natalia Widiasih, Sp.KJ(K), MPd.Ked, explained the reasons why the methodauuse can affect and even interfere with women's cognitive and mental functions because one of them is influenced by the decrease in estrogen.

Estrogen plays a role in neurotransmitter mediation in the prefrontal cortex, which plays a role in the executive function, by regulating the formation of nerves and protecting nerves from damage and cell death. These hormones also play a role in the regulation of mitochondrial functions in ATP synthesis, namely the form of energy needed by cells.

He at an online health event, reported ANTARA, said the decrease in estrogen levels interfered with the formation of brain energy due to mytochondrial dysfunctions followed by a decrease in brain metabolism, an amyloid beta deposition, the loss of neuron synapses in the brain, and then causing a decrease in cognitive function to dementia.

If this condition is not detected, he continued, plus the emergence of stress, it can cause greater nerve damage. If this is allowed, it could risk causing vascular dementia or dementia due to hormonal changes plus high stress.

"The group is taken to professionals. If there is dementia, we can't recover anymore. But if it's just early symptoms, we can recover it," said Natalia.

Meanwhile, the psychological impact of menopaus which is also due to hormonal changes, one of which is estrogen, can be in the form of discomfort, feeling lonely can be because it is part of depression or because he is withdrawing.

In addition, there is a possibility that someone from the start does not have good social support, for example because of its shy nature or low self-confidence, so this strengthens the potential for vulnerability to getting greater mental disorders.

"This condition can be made worse by having a negative view of oneself and triggering stress in the environment, causing people to experience mood problems," said Natalia.

High stress itself can damage the brain because of the large number of free radicals that are released and it can be anxiety, depression. At the same time, a person also responds to negative changes so as to reduce the quality of his life.

"This person usually needs management, especially if you have thought about ending your life," suggested Natalia.

Natalia added, menopausing is experienced by women, namely the phase to stop menstruating permanently due to the loss of egg activity is no longer produced in the ovaries. The many myths circulating in communities related to menopaus, for example, can cause depression, skin to become wrinkled and sex life ends can cause fear, causing psychological consequences for women.

"Because biological changes can cause psychological changes, plus social stressors. Moreover, the social environment is not helping but frightening," he said.

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