
JAKARTA - After carrying out the marriage contract at Royal Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta on Saturday, December 10, the series of wedding events of Erina Gudono and Kaesang Pangarep will continue with the download process for Mantu this morning, Sunday, December 11 at 7.15 WIB.

In the Mantu download event, there is one ritual that has a deep meaning that must be carried out by the bride and groom, namely, tumplak punjen.

Tumplak punjen is a ritual that is performed as a form of parental gratitude for having carried out the task of marrying his last child. In the ritual, parents will walk at the front around the yard while spreading their heads around the court. Followed by the convoy of children, in-laws, grandchildren, and also the bride and groom.

Scattering of bodies has the meaning of expressing gratitude. Edik-edik contains coins, yellow rice, nuts, and empon-empons with the hope that the bride and groom's household will be given health, abundant sustenance, prosperity, and success.

The first procession of the tumplak punjen is giving up tinampi. Later, the bride and groom will surrender, then the bride will accept the banampi. After giving up the banampi, continued with the core event, namely sungkeman. Sungkeman, namely the bride and groom prostrate to their parents asking for their blessing.

The ritual of sungkeman as a statement, a sign of child's devotion to parents who have raised and educated to adulthood, an apology to both parents for all mistakes and mistakes, and asked for the blessing of parents to become a happy family. After sungkeman, then the punj.

If thepumplak punjen has been carried out, then a procession or procession and reception will be held. The plan is that the wedding procession of Kaesang and Erina will be held from Loji Gandrung (the ritual place is carried out) to Mangkunegaran Temple (the reception venue).

At Pura Mangkunegaran, a measurement will be held which is divided into two sessions, where the first session starts at 9.30 WIB and the second session starts at 18.30 WIB.

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